Saturday, November 22, 2008

Abbey's New Home

We've been talking to an Irish Setter rescue organization about helping us to find Abbey a new home. They called last night and had found someone to adopt her. The lady's name is Karen and she lives in Michigan on 13 acres. She has two older Irish Setters for Abbey to play with. So this morning we took Abbey to meet the guy who will be driving her to meet her new owner. She gets to ride in the cab of a semi all the way to Cincinnati, where her new owner will pick her up. I hope she enjoys her adventure and is happier in her new home. We will miss her here, but we are thrilled to have just one dog and one cat now.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Abbey and Matt found each other at a time when they were both rock bottom. It's really sort of a spiritual thing to see how God healed them and blessed them both with new lives and a new family for each of them.