Monday, September 22, 2008

Mimi's Visit/Vacation

Susan flew in Thursday to KC. She had it already planned but it ended up being a much needed vacation away from no electricity and a tree in their roof. Saturday we ventured to the edge of Gardner and came across a state of the art baseball field and brand new park we didn't even know existed here. So we stopped and walked around, played and took some pictures. I've never seen such an awesome park with ponds, bridges, picnic areas and every big play toy imaginable. It was pretty cool but hard to tell in the pictures. Here are Susan and Kyan standing in the doorway of a play barn.

Okay, does he not look huge on Susan's lap?
Mimi is getting some snuggles in before she has to leave.
Kyan is reading his new book with real pages to Mimi.


Jill Garrison said...

real pages... your brave woman!!!!

what size is kyan in?

Unknown said...

Man I miss you Kyan, and Cal and Carson too, on yeah, your parents too!
Hey I didn't cut your heads off the pic I took at the park!
I am so thankful for the great blogging you and Michael do, it's so helpful and makes us feel like we can kind of keep up with all the boys over this long distance.
Thanks for a great 5 days!