Monday, October 5, 2009

Thought I'd update with a few recent pics. Kyan received a sound card from Mimi and Papa that kisses. He really likes it and imitates the kissy sounds. He is sitting at his table having a snack of his new favorite cereal, Amazon Flakes. He asks for cereal all the time now, but unfortunately can only have it once every four (actually five now...woohoo) days with his rotation diet.

His tactile sensory issues are improving so much that he is actually wearing these Wiggles slippers around the house every day. We went through all of his hand-me-down shoes at the beginning of the summer and found these, but he refused to even touch them back then. Now he asks for "slippers."

Kyan loves playing with his beans. When we started going to playgroup last spring it took awhile just for him to touch the beans. Now he is asking for beans and scattering them all over the house. Even the messiness is exciting for us b/c he used to want everything put in order. No way would he have scattered beans all over the place even just a few months ago. I can't believe his improvement with his sensory problems in such a short time.

There it is! Look at that beautiful, red Sold sign! That pile of dirt is sitting where our future home will be next spring! So I have about six months to snap out of disbelief and denial and into reality. Is that for real?