Sunday, April 12, 2009

Our Easter Weekend

For Easter weekend my dad came for a visit. We went to his sister's house for an Easter egg hunt on Saturday afternoon. Here are Matt and Kyan at my aunt and uncle's house.
Kyan and Bella are hunting for eggs in the backyard.

The weather was perfect for backyard egg hunting.

Everyone is swinging.
Matt brought the big-o camera and took some cute pictures of all the kids. Here are Kayleigh, Carli, and Mastin.

Cute shot of Bella and Kayleigh.
This is Kyan's startled face when he pushed a button on this toy and the crazy bear started dancing. BTW, Matt took the shot before Kyan pushed the button. He wasn't being a meanie dad.
Kayleigh swinging
Mastin playing
Kyan's first Easter basket. What an adorable basket.
He got a movie from my cousins.
Lots of fun stuff in his basket.
He loves the cookie jar. Thanks for all the fun stuff, Mimi and Papa!
My dad, Kyan and me.

Kyan gazing out the back door. He loves this sparkly, light up thing a lot. The batteries are already ran down from playing with it.
Happy Easter to everyone!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Blogging helps us get a glimpse of what we missed! Thank you guys, it helps a lot. It's nice to get a pic of you Andrea, and I loved the one of Kyan looking out the door. I would love to know what he is thinking. Looks like your Dad really enjoyed his daughter and grandson.