Friday, January 2, 2009


Last weekend my dad and stepmom came to Kansas City, and we all celebrated our Christmas together at my cousin's house. Every time we go to her house the bouncing and spinning zebra is always a hit. All the kids want to play on it. Everyone is patiently waiting for their turn in this picture.

I think my cousin told me this is one of Mastin's all time favorite toys. He goes crazy on the zebra.
Kyan is getting less patient for his turn. Finally Mastin gives up the zebra and gives Kyan a hug while Bella is sneaking on behind them.

Now Kyan finally gets to ride on the zebra.

Here are the sisters Kayleigh and Bella.

Kyan sitting on my dad's lap.

My dad, Kayleigh, and Bella are all helping Kyan open a present.

Kyan is sitting with his cousin, Carli.

Kyan is looking at his big Dr Seuss book with REAL PAGES. Yipee!

Kayleigh and Bella are checking out their new vanity. They were really excited about it, but Kyan was confused as to why we brought over his vanity.

He couldn't stay away from it. Here is Kyan saying his 'goodbyes' to his vanity. Too bad they don't make blue ones.

Kayleigh and Kyan are playing with Carli's new toy.

That is it for our Christmasesesss. Happy New Year!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Okay so does Kyan look like a little college guy with those jeans and sneakers on or what? All those kids are so cute.