Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Big 0-2!

Happy Birthday to Kyan! Today he turns two and we can't hardly believe how fast the time has gone. He is growing up so quickly...even more so lately.

My cousins got him this big dinosaur tent and tunnel for his birthday and we set them up last night. You can't see from the pictures how huge this tent is. I guess eventually it happens...the adult things get buried under all the kid stuff. Kyan loves it and spent all evening playing in it. It is pretty cool. We took lots of pictures last night.


Jill Garrison said...

Happy Birthday Kyan!!!!

Love the tent!!! Kids love to hide. We make homemade tents alot. We are actually taking the boys camping around july 5th... pray for some cooler weather lol or we are going to die LOL

Unknown said...

Kyan can Papa play in the tent with you?


Michael Ann said...

Happy birthday Kyan!!!

I Love that tent - so cute! It looks like fun, i haven't seen one as cute as that before. What nice cousins you have. We will celebrate your birthday when you come here for the fourth of July, which we are so excited about. It's hard to believe you are 2 - we said a prayer at dinner tonight thanking God for creating you and blessing our family with you. You are a gift and we praise God for YOU! We love you.

Unknown said...

I want one of those tents!! I just can't wait until I can come and play with Kyan and all his cool stuff! Love, Mimi